Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A little action for my blog :)
Crouching Tiger Beetles, Hidden Dragon Flies: Reflections on How Insects Use Color, Tom Schultz, Denison University
After listening to Mr. Tom Schultz talk about how we see color and how certain use colors to their advantage, I found many things to be interesting. One of my favorites would be the limitation of our ability to see color. While some organisms can only see whether there is light or no light, others can see shades of gray, humans can see an array of colors, and some insects and most birds can see an even greater range of colors than humans. The fact that birds can see ultra violet rays is interesting and not something I would have ever thought about. It was neat learning that damselfly dragonfly have iridescent wings that to us look white but other damselfly dragonflies see ultra violet colors.
I found the concept of wavelength to be a bit confusing, but it kind of cleared up as he went along. The concept that light produces different colors at different wavelengths was hard for me to wrap my head around- the fact that lighting and cell thickness can determine the color of a plant or insect only makes so much sense. I think I am getting confused because I keep trying to relate the idea of wavelength and thickness to other things such as my shirt and I am not sure if the idea transfers over to non-organisms.
Grass in Gas Tanks
A waist high sea of switchgrass, Indian grass, bluegrass, forages and legumes with small yellow flowers in full bloom ripples like waves from the cool breeze with colors jumping out from the bright sun; a great day to be outdoors at the University of Missouri Bradford Farm looking at future biofuels.
Tim Reinbott, superintendent of the MU Bradford Research and Extension Center, is spearheading a research project on the long-term effects growing various plants for biofuels has on soil quality and content. Reinbott is comparing monocultures plots with only one plant species, like corn, to diverse cultured plots that have three, ten or 18 different legumes, forages and grasses. The idea for this project arose when talk of cellulosic ethanol started to spread. Cellulosic ethanol is made from the dry matter of plants such as switchgrass, Indian grass, bluegrass, forages, legumes and wood.
The popularity of using these warm season grasses is because they are native to the Midwest and easy to grow. Switchgrass is popular because it establishes quickest, one year, and needs less help, while Indian grass produces more dry matter and therefore more ethanol.
“That’s a really good legume,” Reinbott noted as he picked the yellow flowering plant from the ground and inspected its nitrogen producing knolled roots. By not having to add nitrogen to the soil this lowers production costs and also makes the process “more carbon friendly” because fertilizers are made from petroleum. “When looking at the whole carbon footprint that’s tremendous. We don’t want to design anything with more carbon than before.”
“If you wait until after October to harvest [switchgrass] you won’t lose as many nutrients,” said Reinbott. When switchgrass dies for the winter, all if its nutrients go to the soil through the roots, which have a large underground system. Corn ethanol is going in the other direction. Ethanol plants are starting to make ethanol out of corn stover including the stalk and leaves, which is that much less nutrients being returned to the soil.
Miscanthus, an ornamental hybrid cross grass, is similar to switchgrass in that its nutrients go to its roots for winter. It has greater growth and therefore biomass potential and would require 1/3 less land than switchgrass. Switchgrass produces four tons of dry mass per acre while Miscanthus produces twelve tons per acre. The downside, being grown in a monoculture miscanthus is not as wildlife friendly as switchgrass.
“After three years we hope to see a difference in soil properties” said Reinbott, who expects to see a difference in the soil every year afterwards. The time is now. Reinbott’s three-year-old plot will be harvested for the first time this October, giving him data to compare the different types of crops for fuels like ethanol and biofuels and the impact on soil properties over time
“The seeds are just ideal,” said Reinbott as he picks a foxtail from a highly diverse plot. “We’re on the up and front on this wild life aspect. By looking at wildlife we’re staying ahead of the game. We don’t want that to blow up in our face.” Reinbott is working closely with the MU Conservation Department to see which types of plots attract which types and how much wild life. The Conservation Department is concerned about the monoculture plots, which often don’t provide wildlife with the food or shelter they need to thrive. “Ideally we want to produce as much biofuels as possible but with a more favorable base for wildlife.” By predicting and fixing problems before they occur, Reinbott hopes to have a smooth transition in biomass production for Cellulosic ethanol.
“It’s going to be very intense,” said Reinbott who sees the future of biofuels in the technology rather than new plant sources. Reinbott believes power analysis, which uses a system of heat and pressure to break down biomass to its basic elements, is going to be break through technology in the next five years. Currently, scientists are able to produce 70 gallons of ethanol for every ton of switchgrass, nowhere close to the theoretical 200 gallons per ton.
Another issue researchers are working on is storage. Forages are fluffier than corn and take up more space to store. Reinbott’s next research question, “In October what happens if fuel is stored in the field?” If storage isn’t an issue and little biomass is lost while in the field then farmers can take harvested biomass straight to the ethanol plant.
Electricity: From the Power Plant to the House
From the power plant or wind turbines to the kitchen light bulb, is the path electricity takes as easy as going from point A to point B? Matt Lucas, a technician at Boone Electric Cooperative, explains the process is a little more complicated.
The electricity used in Missouri either starts in a power plant, wind farm or water dam. Missouri’s two power plants create electricity by burning coal, which heats water to steam. The steam turns turbines and magnets to create electricity. On wind farms the turbines are turned by the wind to produce electricity. Similarly, hydroelectric dams release water that flows through turbines.
Once the electricity is created it goes to a step-up substation. Missouri has one located in Springfield, which also serves parts of Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Kansas. Here, transformers take the energy, or voltage, and sends it long distances through high voltage transmitters, which can handle the 500,000 volts. Large insulators are used, preventing energy from going to the ground or structure. “They have helicopters and people hanging from ropes maintaining these [high voltage insulters],” said Lucas.
Energy is lost as electricity flows through the large high voltage poles on their way to a transmission sub-station. At the station, lines from the large poles drop into the transformers where voltage is reduced to 34,500 to 115,000 volts, making it suitable for local use. The voltage is sent out on local use poles. This process will repeat at another transmission sub-station where energy will be reduced to 7,200 to 13,200 volts.
The next step is residential electric delivery. The electricity reaches a transformer on a pole, ground box, or side of the house. At this local consumer level the meter measures kilowatts per hour used by the house.
“We have to pay for amount of energy we will possibly use,” explains Lucas. Once a year the electric company will project and provide the power plant with their ‘power potential,’ the amount of energy the electric company may possible need. The power plants run non stop and produce the amount of energy outlined in the contract. The electric company is being charged for the electricity that is being produced and on the lines, even if it the electricity not being used.
Missouri currently has three commercial wind farms, all located in Northwest part of the state. Bluegrass Ridge Wind Farm, located in Gentry County, has 27 turbines on 10,000 acres. On average, the farm produces 2.1 megawatts per turbine. Three of those turbines could produce enough energy for 45,000 houses or half the size of Columbia.
The Cow Branch Wind Energy Project, in Atchison County, has 24 turbines covering 7,000 acres with 35 landowners. Each landowner receives supplemental cash, equaling $5,000 per turbine on their property.
Nodaway County’s Conception Wind Energy Project, financed by John Deere Wind Energy, consists of 24 turbines on 7,000 acre with 28 landowners.
There is currently an energy scare among the electric companies. Demand for electricity has increased but sources for energy hasn’t. Electric providers are trying to get consumers to cut back and be more conservative with electric use since there is an energy scare in the state. While they are in the business to make money, they are also wary of the possible energy threat.
“We’ll have to cut back or create new energy because usage is going through the roof,” said Lucas who compared the current energy situation to balancing a checkbook. We either need cut back on our spending (usage) or find a new source of income (energy). In preparation for the possible future energy shortage in Missouri a new cal-burning power plant is being planned for Southern Missouri. A coal plant is being discussed because we have the technology for that. Right now, wind energy is a good idea, according to Lucas, but the technology to lower prices has yet to occur. “When technology catches up, prices drop.” Until that technology is able to catch up with the energy demand in Missouri, coal-burning plants will continue to produce a majority of our electricity.