Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A little action for my blog :)

It has been a hectic semester to say the least! I thought things would slow down when September ended; I can't believe I lied to myself like that. While things just now are looking like they might ease up a bit, I now know to have my doubts. 

I haven't had much of a chance to blog since the beginning of the semester so I went ahead and put up a few papers I have done for some of my classes. 

The Science article is from attending Saturday Morning Science for extra credit in my BioChemistry class. It is supposed to be one page on what you found interesting and what was confusing. 

The other two pieces are articles I wrote for my Agriculture Journalism Field Experience class. We went to Northwest Missouri for a weekend and toured a coal plant, ethanol plant, wind farm, CRP farmland, a 100-year family farm and edible white corn farm among other locations. We turned in our final papers Tuesday and had a "Overly Mellow Dramatic" awards ceremony. Award ranged anywhere from a rubber chicken to Cheetos. I received the best gift of everyone- duck tape! Let's just say when in is the firs destination of the morning and you won't be getting back to the hotel until late that evening and you have an unexpected rip, it never hurts to have a little duck tape! It made me smile, especially the part where it was party used- that made it even better! :)
As preparation for the trip we learned to write science based stories that could be very complicated and put them in easy to understand newspaper format. It was a great learn-to-do-by-doing experience and I learned a lot from it. The electricity path and switchgrass articles were both done before we went on our big three day trip, 6am Friday - 8pm Sunday. I did my final story on CRP and will have that posted in the next few weeks. I am really happy with how the paper turned out and excited about adding it to my portfolio. 

Hope you enjoy me stories. Have Fun!

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