All those trips to HuHot paid off- it may have taken me longer to eat but learning how to use chopsticks before I came to China makes life so much easier. The only other eating utensil I have seen is a large spoon used for soups. The food has been very interesting and I have no doubt that if I was determined, I could go the next two months without eating the same meal twice. I have remembered to take pictures of each meal to this point and hope I continue to do so. In my opinion, the food tastes good but different. My first meal was pork and rice, my second was fish, rice and garlic stalks- which was surprisingly delicious, even though it wasn’t the green beans I was expecting. On average our meals have cost around $1.50 US. A serving of rice costs $0.04- so when I am given a serving and feel full after just half of my plate, it doesn’t bother me as much when I put it in the perspective that I only wasted $0.02 of food.
We have noted the irony of how much the Chinese are able to eat, but yet they are thin. We have yet to see an obese person and they are able to finish a plate of food that is twice as large as ours and we can only eat half of what we are served. I have a feeling I will be losing weight
The cafeteria was an interesting experience. There were 14 windows, each with four different items. It seemed hectic and chaotic at first, but after being in a few lines the system becomes clear. While waiting in line with another MU student I learned that Cola is the second most commonly known word throughout the world, with the first being okay.
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