(Picture of squid, ice cream and bathroom)
I have a feeling that I am going to have a lot of blogs about food- but probably because it is the one thing that is consistently unique in this country and so far no two eating experiences have been the same.
On the day we were touring newspapers we ate at a very expensive ‘Western’ buffet that cost us each 100 Yuan ($15); because of the size of our group we were given a 50% discount. It was a very fancy hotel restaurant with chefs and everything. Western buffet just means that it is a buffet, I think Chinese buffet is what we experienced the day we were sightseeing where they serve food family style- setting out large dishes in front of everyone to serve themselves. The Western buffet was very interesting. Overall, the food was not that good and definitely overpriced. Although I was glad I got to try a cold squid salad. For dessert they had ice cream: vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, green tea and carrot. I tried the latter of the three and was pleasantly surprised with the green tea ice cream- not so much with the purple carrot ice cream.
The Chinese buffet was really good- we had fried rice, kung pow chicken, fried corn and a variety of 4 or 5 other dishes. The most interesting part of eating at the Chinese buffet restaurant was the bathroom- the base of the sinks were the backsides, legs included, of women with different underwear or like one with none at all! Also, from the bathroom there is a one-way mirror so you can watch the crowd but they can’t see you while you use the restroom. What a shame I didn’t need to use it!
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