Tuesday, June 30, 2009

DHA link

I am preparing to post some of my school work in the evenings during my internship but I didn't want to wait to post this website.

I am currently working on writing an informative article on DHA (it's an Omega-3 fatty acid) and its importance to human health. I was looking through the information I was given and ran across this website: http://www.lifesdha.com/brainindex/Default.aspx
and found it to be pretty interesting and I enjoyed the brain quiz as well. I thought I would pass it along so you could test your brain health too! :)

Thanks and Have Fun!

A little info on DHA. There are 3 main Omega-3 fatty acids: DHA, ALA and EPA. They all help your heart and ALA and EPA do some with anti-inflamatory but DHA is the main one that helps brain and eye tisssue and also helps you lose weight because it gives you a full feeling! Some of the foods we eat have ALA or EPA but then in our body they convert to DHA and it much smaller quantities so if you can get fish or foods fortified with DHA then you get more DHA, which is really what your body is after all along. I know I kept this short- I am still figuring out exactly how it works but hopefully by the end of the week I will be a DHA expert! :)

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