Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gymnastics Gala

Started in 1996 at the Atlanta Olympic Games, the Gymnastics Gala is the third most sold out even of the Olympics, after opening and closing ceremonies respectively. It combines talent with entertainment, featuring gymnasts that medalled, dancers, rhythmic gymnastics and Chinese pop stars this year. Working in the venue, we get the option of attending the Gala tomorrow. 

My good friend Beth is fluent in French and translated some papers from French to English for the commentator. To show his gratitude, he offered her two seats to sit with him at the Gala. Quite a treat- the best seats in the house. Beth offered me her second seat so we met with the man today to iron out the details about tomorrow (Wednesday 20th). I saw the seats he was offering us- right on the floor, where judges would sit! We then talked to his boss who is basically running the show and gets the last say. She offered us the job of leading the athletes from the warm-up hall to their correct podium. The lights will be dimmed so most likely we won't be seen on TV, but having never seen a Gala and not being 100% sure what is going to happen- I am crossing my fingers that someone back home will see me! :) So we were bumped from the best seats in the house to escorting the gymnastics medallists! Beth didn't even know who she was translating for when she was offered the task! Crazy how things work out- but I am super excited and am going to bed now so that I can be well rested for tomorrow- I can only imagine the excitement! 

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