Monday, July 7, 2008

A Productive Rainy Day

After today's lecture, our third and final, we went outside to learn it was raining quite steadily. Me and a few friends ran to lunch where we had pizza- in case you didn't know Hawaiian pizza is topped with pineapple, canadian bacon, corn, black olives and beans. It was a little bland but no complaints here. I especially liked my mocha slushy! After lunch we ran back to the hotel and I am getting ready to start blogging again, making up for lost time. I was planning on blogging anyways, but knowing that I am not missing a sunny* day makes staying in and listening to itunes that much better. Several people in the group have either had to cancel or alter their plans due to the weather- but I did my shopping yesterday so I am more than ready to start some work. 
(*sunny- take this word for what it is worth here in Beijing, I had put beautiful but sunny was a better word even though it portrays an image that is better than what it is actually like.)

A few quick notes: 
Here is a link to one of the newspapers we toured the other day. They wrote an article about our group if you would like to read it. I would like to thank Sarah French, Broadcast Journalism major, for e-mail the link to our group- heaven knows I never would have found it myself.

Also, I was skimming a few websites for international news and found a BBC article about Beijing's pollution- so that you can get a perspective from someone other than myself. I think the smog is such a big deal for me because I have never seen anything like it; I thought Hannibal, MO had pollution because in the winter time the snow would turn black because of car exhaust!

Hope everyone is having a good nights rest back home as I type this, feel free to comment on any of my blogs- I would love some feedback.

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